On April 30th, May 1st and 2nd the entire board of the PHBHF (Dr. Floyd Branson, Helen Fleming, Bill Miller and Alda Buresh) met and worked in the back spaces of the PHBA office building in Tulsa, OK. The initial plan of making room for museum space which will highlight the history of PHBA’s seventy years of existence was put into action. Helping with the cleaning, sorting, organizing and everything else that goes with dealing with nearly seventy years of accumulated material were Peggy Missel (PHBA-A Board) and her amazing mother, Esther, Carolyn Henderson, (PHBA Past President), Lynn Branson (PHBA-A Past President), and Les and Ginny(PHBA-A Board) Baskerville. The foundation thanks them for their help. The work done just couldn’t have been done as quickly without their labor. Judy and Tony Krehbiel (PHBA Past President), Bixby, OK were the home base hosts for the Iowa group of Les, Ginny and Alda. The Krehbiels also made sure that every evening a meal was ready for the group participating in this monumental task. The Foundation thanks them so very much for the hospitality.
At the end of three days of work, a thirty yard trash dumpster had been filled with material which needed to be “tossed”. Anything of use or historical value was left intact to be dealt with at a later date.
The PHBA Executive Board plans a work day later in May and will deal with the shredding of material which no longer has any value to PHBA. They will continue to organize the shelves dealing with trophies, awards, etc. Some of the shelving also will have to be taken apart and put into the back warehouse area. Carolyn Henderson and Judy Krehbiel will be handling all the work of safely storing the various Orren Mixer, Shufelt and other prints which are owned by PHBA. The appropriate storage containers were donated by the Hendersons and Krehbiels at no cost to PHBA. A heartfelt thank you goes to them. A huge thank you to the staff of PHBA who willingly put up with all of the workers and helped make some decisions of what goes where.
The PHB Heritage Foundation page is including a list of early donors and will be carrying some interesting articles and photos in the very near future. Please visit this space on the PHBA website. We look forward to your support both financially and with historical items so that we can continue to work on developing a museum which will highlight PHBA and the people and horses who have been a part of the history of this association and the palomino horse. Donations should be made out to the PHBHF and sent to Bill Miller, 11550 South 209th East Ave., Broken Arrow, OK 74014.